Federal Aviation Administration
Aspen Tower
0150 W. Airport Rd.
Aspen, CO 81611
Subject: ASE Opposite Direction Operations
Cancellation: 12/23/2026 1200 (UTC)
The mountainous terrain surrounding the Aspen/Pitkin County Airport (ASE) creates unique challenges for aircraft operating at the airfield. To safely expedite the flow of traffic ASE utilizes an opposite direction operation for the majority of operations. It is critical for aircrews to remain vigilant and adhere to procedures as there is often a high workload on Air Traffic Control (ATC) and flight crews near the airport.
During peak traffic hours, ASE operates a continuous flow of close-proximity opposite direction operation involving multiple control instructions and pilot readbacks. Flight crews should ensure they are familiar with any issued clearances and review local procedures as described below.
The LINDZ Standard Instrument Departure (SID) and local ATC procedures were developed to allow for the safe and expeditious flow of opposite direction traffic in and out of ASE. Local ATC procedures are known as the “Westbound-in-Front-of” (WBIFO) and the “Wrap.” These procedures may operate independently of each other, however during peak traffic they often work in tandem – one procedure after the next (see the graphics below) with aircraft continuously departing and arriving.
The WBIFO procedure is used when there is sufficient spacing on the Runway 15 final approach path to allow a Runway 33 departure to depart, climb through 9,100 feet MSL, and make a left turn to heading 273 to join the I-PKN outbound, passing in front of the arrival.
The controller will issue a takeoff clearance with inbound traffic information in time for the Runway 33 departure to begin takeoff-roll prior to the Runway 15 arrival reaching a point 15-17 miles from Runway 15. Flight crews will promptly depart, and per the LINDZ SID initiate a right turn to heading 343, then climbing through 9,100 feet MSL execute a left turn to heading 273 to complete this procedure.
It is essential that arriving aircraft remain on the IFR Runway 15 Approach Path, unless otherwise instructed by ATC. Failure to comply with these procedures may result in ASE Tower/Approach cancelling the approach clearance or issuing alternate instructions to prevent a loss of separation.
The Wrap procedure is used when a Runway 15 arrival is closer to the runway. The intent is for the departure to pass the arrival to the east then turn westbound to heading 273 behind or above inbound traffic. The arrival aircraft’s speed and the departure aircraft’s anticipated performance are essential factors. Once an aircraft completes the Wrap procedure it still may be executing the WBIFO procedure (see graphics below).
Tower Applied Visual Separation is utilized during this procedure, requiring Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC). The Tower will issue a Runway 33 Line-Up-And-Wait (LUAW) clearance to the departure, then issue a takeoff clearance with inbound traffic information in time for the departure to begin takeoff-roll prior to the arrival reaching a 5-mile final from Runway 15. Flight crews will promptly comply with LUAW instructions and be prepared for an immediate departure once cleared for takeoff.
Once airborne, the departing aircraft turns right to a 343 heading per the LINDZ SID (offsetting east of the arrival’s inbound course). Departing aircraft should initiate their turn to 343 as soon as practical and may be prompted or assigned a heading of 343 once airborne to ensure separation. Because this procedure places both aircraft in closer proximity, the left-turn to 273 on the LINDZ SID may be delayed by ATC in order for the departure to pass behind the arrival.
Once airborne, flight crews can expect:
“FLY HEADING 343, VECTOR FOR TRAFFIC, EXPECT TO RESUME THE LINDZ DEPARTURE.” When clear of traffic: “TURN LEFT HEADING 273, RESUME THE LINDZ DEPARTURE.” This maneuver will occur prior to the departure reaching a point 3.05 NM north of the Runway 33 Departure End (approximately 9.4 DME from DBL VOR). Flight crews that do not receive the 273 heading prior to that point should query ATC.